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Deadline for submitting Opinion column proposals extended to December 15!

We are seeking opinion columnists to write engaging, critical commentary for the Anthropology News website in 2018. Do you want to provide your anthropological viewpoint on current events or debates in anthropology? Can you write for a broad audience of anthropologists and non-anthropologists alike?

We’re particularly interested in proposals that focus on a particular topic and draw on your area of anthropological expertise. A good topic is narrow enough to be focused and flexible enough to address a range of issues throughout the year. Our opinion columns are timely, provocative, and above all opinionated. We like to read conversational English that pulls readers in.

If you are interested in joining the AN team and are a current AAA member, please send us your proposal by December 15. See the Opinion page of the AN website for our current columns.

Send [email protected] a proposal that includes

  1. A 250-word pitch that tells us the main topic of your column.
  2. The opening paragraph of a sample op-ed.
  3. A 50 word author bio.

Please include your pitch, opener, and author bio in a single Word document.

PS Is there another kind of feature you’d like to see in AN? Let us know at [email protected] (especially if you’d like to write it!).

Updated December 5, 2017.

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