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AN invites you to go wild (or domestic) and submit proposals for our May/June “Animalia” issue. Whether your story is about bonobos or whales or bees, we want to hear about it. What can anthropology tell us about nonhuman animals scaly, furry, or feathered, and our relations with them? Multispecies anthropology? Certainly. Primates? Of course. Mythical creatures or rumors of elusive beasts? You bet. Zoo keeping, cattle herding, deep-sea fishing? Absolutely. Faunal remains? Tell us more.

We are open to creative proposals that illuminate anthropological discussions of nonhuman animals from an engaging and fresh perspective, in the form of feature articles, graphic ethnography, or photo essays.

Please send a 250-word pitch outlining the story or argument of your piece, together with a 50-word author bio to [email protected] by January 31, 2019.

First drafts will be due by March 1 and will go through a developmental edit with the AN editor. Final articles will publish in the May/June print magazine and on the AN website.

Featured image was composed using derivatives of the following works: “Origami Dragon by Jacques Davis via Flickr used under CC BY 2.0; background photo by Alex on Unsplash; photo of origami bird by rawpixel on Unsplash; photo of origami frog by rawpixel on Unsplash; “Origami Bogota 2013” by Jorge Jaramillo via Flickr, used under CC BY 2.0.

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