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Geophysical survey conducted during the Matacanela Archaeological Project (NSF BCS-1358063, Marcie Venter, PI) contributed to researchers’ understandings of the ways settlements differently managed climatic, subsistence, and other cultural matters that arose within the Mesoamerican Gulf lowlands at the end of the Classic period. George Crothers

The Archaeology Division of the AAA received a Community Engagement grant from the AAA Section Assembly Executive Committee to help support a two-part event that will take place at the Annual Meeting and at the adjacent Tech Museum of Innovation. The event is intended to (1) discuss ways of promoting public awareness for the advances in environmental STEM science that can be made by anthropologists, and (2) demonstrate that potential through the use of innovations in technology that pertain to the mapping of landuse/environmental change and cultural heritage sites.

The discussion component of the event is a roundtable session, “Anthropologies and the Environment: Technology as Outreach in Education,” scheduled for Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. It brings together anthropologists who are utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and/or engaging in environmental research, education coordinators, and high school teachers in order to discuss strategies pertaining to the theme of the session. In conjunction with this roundtable, The Tech Museum is providing space, as well as free passes to roundtable participants, roundtable attendees, and teachers from the San Jose area to visit so that the AD can display and explain some of the anthropological applications of remote sensing and other technologies to visitors.
Questions can be directed to Marcie Venter at [email protected].
Marcie Venter is an assistant professor of anthropology at Murray State University and is the Program Editor-Elect for the Archaeology Division.
Cite as: Venter, Marcie. 2018. “Environment,Technology, and Education at the Annual Meeting.” Anthropology News website, November 5, 2018. DOI: 10.1111/AN.1022

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