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The Society for Anthropological Sciences (SAS) invites you to join us at the 117th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association taking place November 1418, 2018 in San José, California. The mission of SAS is to promote the advancement of scientific, empirically-based research methodologies within anthropology. Below, we have compiled a list of sessions, which embody this objective. Each session addresses the meetings salient themes of resistance, resilience, and adaptation, while promoting the use of scientific methodologies to address some of the most pressing challenges in contemporary society.

Interested in becoming more involved with the Society for Anthropological Sciences? Our annual business meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. on Friday, November 16, 2018, and is open to all Annual Meeting participants.

List of Sessions:

Thursday, November 15

9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m., San José Convention Center, Executive Ballroom Lobby
(3-0305) Biology, the Environment, and Evolution, Gallery Session
Lawrence Jesus Ramirez, University of California Riverside; Chisaki Fukushima, Newcastle University; Marianne Brasil, University of California, Berkeley; Robert C. O’Malley, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Laura Morillo, University of Toledo; Avery A. Lane, Washington State University; Ross R. Maxwell, Institute for Historical Study; Daisy Paredes, Department of Anthropology, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Katherine E. Flores, Washington State University; Amy Kuritzky, Rice University; Heesun Hwang, Seoul National University; Lyndsey Craig, University of Nevada Las Vegas; Anabel Ford, University of California, Santa Barbara/Exploring Solutions Past; M.G. Olson, Tulane University; Jeanelle Uy, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Maxwell Martin, The University of Massachusetts-Boston; Dennis Wiedman, Florida International University.

10:15 a.m., San Jose Convention Center
(3-0475) Networked Environments, Invited Session
Madeline T. Brown, University of Florida; Madeline T. Brown, University of Florida; Madeline T. Brown, University of Florida; David A. Nolin, Pennsylvania State University; David A. Nolin, Pennsylvania State University; David A. Nolin, Pennsylvania State University; Stefani Crabtree, Pennsylvania State University; Ashley Hazel, Stanford University; James Magdanz, University of Alaska; Drew Gerkey, Oregon State University; Sibyl Diver, Stanford University.

Friday, November 16

2:00–3:45 p.m., LL 20C
(4-0809) The War on Science: Anthropology and the Crisis of Expertise, Late Breaking Session
Duana Fullwiley, Stanford University; Donald Brenneis, University of California, Santa Cruz; Valerie A. Olson, University of California, Irvine; Annelise Riles, Northwestern University; Stefan G. Helmreich, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Susan Greenhalgh, Harvard University; Peter Redfield, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Talia Dan-Cohen, Washington University in St. Louis; Talia Dan-Cohen, Washington University in St. Louis.

3:00–5:00 p.m., San Jose Convention Center, Executive Ballroom Lobby
(4-0980) Resistance, Gallery Session
John Thornton Ehlers, California State University Long Beach; Ramon Pineda, California State University, Los Angeles; Katherine C. Donahue, Plymouth State University; Douglas Hume, Northern Kentucky University; Noah C. G. Johnson, University of Iowa; Garrett Cook, Baylor University; Christina A. Gonzales, University of Oklahoma; Ilaria Vecchi, Leeds Trinity University; Andrew J. Gordon, University of Houston; Sophia Loren Angeles, University of California, Los Angeles; Roberto E. Rivera Lalonde, Family Tree DNA.

7:45 p.m.
(4-1275) Society for Anthropological Sciences (SAS) Business Meeting
Stephen M. Lyon, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University, London; Murray J. Leaf, University of Texas, Dallas; Douglas Hume, Northern Kentucky University; Stephen A. Chrisomalis, Wayne State University; Sarah Carson, University of Pennsylvania.

Saturday, November 17

8:00 a.m.
(5-0205) Standing up for Anthropology: Learning to communicate effectively across disciplines and showcasing the value of anthropological knowledge
Cosponsored with the National Association of Student Anthropologists
Kayla J. Hurd, University of Notre Dame; Kayla J. Hurd, University of Notre Dame; Kayla J. Hurd, University of Notre Dame; Sherylyn H. Briller, Purdue University; Sherylyn H. Briller, Purdue University; Maureece J. Levin, Stanford University; Julie Lesnik, Wayne State University.

8:00 a.m.
(5-0075) Comparison and Theory
Dori Michelle Beeler, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Sarah Carson, University of Pennsylvania; Stephen A. Chrisomalis, Wayne State University; Stephen A. Chrisomalis, Wayne State University; Stephen M. Lyon, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations, Aga Khan University, London; Summar Saad, Wayne State University.

10:15 a.m.
(5-0405) Health, Environment and Methods
Glynn Custred, California State University, East Bay; Carol R. Ember, Human Relations Area Files at Yale University; Carol R. Ember, Human Relations Area Files at Yale University; Murray J. Leaf, University of Texas, Dallas; Ian Skoggard, Human Relations Area Files; Max J. Stein, University of Alabama.

2:00 p.m.
(5-0780) Experimental methods in anthropology
Co-sponsored with the Biological Anthropology Section
Martin E. Fortier, Jean Nicod Institute, ENS/EHESS/PSL University, Paris, France; Martin E. Fortier, Jean Nicod Institute, ENS/EHESS/PSL University, Paris, France; H Clark Barrett, University of California, Los Angeles; H Clark Barrett, University of California, Los Angeles; Cristina Moya, University of California, Davis; Cristine H. Legare, The University of Texas at Austin; Dimitris Xygalatas, University of Connecticut; Barbara Rogoff, University of California Santa Cruz.

Anthony Tricarico is the joint section news editor for the Society for Anthropological Sciences and a PhD candidate in applied Anthropology at the University of South Florida. His research focuses on informing the contemporary ecological legacies of past human-environmental interaction and the challenges these legacies have for contemporary socioeconomic livelihoods.

Please send your comments and ideas for additional Anthropology News columns to SAS contributing editors Anthony Tricarico ([email protected]) and Robert Boroch ([email protected])

Cite as: Tricarico, Anthony. 2018. “SAS at the 2018 Annual Meeting.” Anthropology News website, November 6, 2018. DOI: 10.1111/AN.1024

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