
Anthropology News editorial advisory board

Tracie Canada, assistant professor of cultural anthropology at Duke University.

Tiffany C. Fryer, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Michigan and assistant curator of historical and contemporary archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology.

Agustín Fuentes, professor of anthropology at Princeton University.

Duana Fullwiley, associate professor of anthropology at Stanford University.

Adam Gamwell, business and design anthropologist, award-winning media producer, and founder of Anthrocurious, a social impact storytelling and human insights consultancy.

Alexis L. Holloway, PhD candidate and Dean’s Graduate Fellow at Duke University.

Janet McIntosh, professor of anthropology at Brandeis University.

Cara Ocobock, assistant professor of anthropology; director of the Human Energetics Laboratory; fellow in the Eck Institute for Global Health; fellow of the Institute for Educational Initiatives; and concurrent faculty in the Department of Gender Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

Bernard Perley, associate professor and director of the Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies at the University of British Columbia. 

Sabrina Nichelle Scott, business anthropologist and founder and CEO of Fullest Potential Consulting Inc.

Cara Wall-Scheffler, professor and cochair of the Biology Department at Seattle Pacific University.

Contributing editors from the American Anthropological Association sections

Association for the Anthropology of Policy: Sarah Raskin 
Association for Feminist Anthropology: Maria Lis Baiocchi and Leyla Savloff 
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology: Gwen Burnyeat and Melissa Maceyko 
Association for Queer Anthropology: Nessette Falu and Kirk Fiereck 
Association of Black Anthropologists:
Association of Indigenous Anthropologists: 
Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists: Andrea Bolivar and Julie Torres 
Association of Senior Anthropologists: Susan Kenyon 
Anthropology of Consciousness: Nicole Torres 
Archaeology Division:  
Biological Anthropology Section: Marc Kissel 
Council for Museum Anthropology: Christy DeLair and Catherine Nichols 
Council on Anthropology and Education: Cathy Amanti and Patricia Lopez 
Culture and Agriculture: 
Evolutionary Anthropology Society: Sheina Lew-Levy and Mallika Sarma 
General Anthropology Division: Katie Nelson 
Middle East Section: Alize Arican 
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology: Jacqueline Cortez, Ashley Meredith, and Marcella Zulla 
National Association of Student Anthropologists: 
Society for Anthropological Sciences: Kevin Kelly 
Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges: Barbara Jones 
Society for the Anthropology of Europe President: Carna Brkovic and Maple Razsa 
Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition: Amanda Green 
Society for the Anthropology of North America:  Ana Croegaert and Elisa Lanari 
Society for the Anthropology of Religion: Jon Bialecki and Heather Mellquist Lehto
Society for Cultural Anthropology: Anne Allison and Sareeta Amrute
Society for East Asian Anthropology: Jieun Cho and Aaron Su
Society for Economic Anthropology: Johannes Lenhard and Daniel Souleles
Society for Humanistic Anthropology: Rose Wellman
Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology: Joseph Feldman
Society for Linguistic Anthropology: Steven Black, Catherine Rhodes, and Thea Strand
Society for Medical Anthropology: Mel Salm and Victoria Sheldon
Society for Psychological Anthropology:
Society for Urban, National and Transnational/Global Anthropology: Rudolf Gaudio
Society for Visual Anthropology: