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Adapted from Jeremy Tenenbaum/ Flickr CC BY 2.0
Should I take another adjunct position? How do I get through this mound of exam marking? Graduate student healthcare in the era of Donald Trump—what do I need to know? I think my senior colleague is trying to blackball my tenure process. How do I find out? What is the appropriate amount of alcohol to consume during my qualifying exams period?
Whatever your issue, AN’s advice column AnthroVice is the place to seek anthropologically informed advice and air your own vices. AnthroVice is ready to tackle all your anthropology-related questions, from precarity in the academy to what to do about your absentee dissertation advisor. Never fear, the AnthroVice advice columnist is here to provide you with snarky support and a slap of reality, while at the same time unpacking the discursive violence in that latter idiom…
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